I am a fan of the man above, I do not question any adversity he has faced in his quest to be successful nor do I challenge his character...however considering who he is, his background, and what he was charged with I can't quite fathom how he got the deal he did and that he only has to serve 2 months total at this point. If he sincerely is changing his life and wants to help people change their lives (like on his reality show) I am in full support of that no matter what some people may now believe he did, if he violated street codes and may in fact not be as REAL as we believe(d). All this to pose the question(s): Did T.I. SNITCH? And if he did (or didn't) what do you think of him, his sentence, and his music from this point forward. The comment section is open for debate...let me know what you think, then I'll tell you what I think.
T.I.. ofcourse I think he snitched. African American rapper gets sentence reduced to 2 months? Are you kidding me, what else would it have been... He gets caught with out of this world type guns and get two months... Plaxico shoots himself in a club with a handgun and is about to get a year in prison. You gotta be kidding me, hes a huge snitch... but he did what he had to do to stay out of the pen... It's almost begging to ask yourself the question what would you do under those circumstances...
Life is all about survival, and if T.I. had to snitch (which he most logically did) in order to be able to live life with his family, and that being the option he was given..OF COURSE he chose it. In the end, yourself and yours is what you look after, what you protect, and what you try to preserve. End of story. He's not in the hood anymore..he could care less about the consequences of snitching. The dude has enough money to set up a more than adequate security team/plan/system. At this point in his life he doesn't need to maintain his street cred, more like his lavish life, his 401K and his music. All is fair in love and war.
First I just wanna know, if he snitched, what did he snitch on? Its not like dude got busted with drugs and is snitching out his dealer. Someone help me out here. T.I. has done plenty of things to show the judge and all of us that hes changed or that he has at least made a huge effort to change. If you gotta carry a gun to protect ya self, its one thing but to carry a gun so you can keep some image that isnt even you in the first place-not cool. Dummies with guns=problems. Im not saying one thing or the other but someone clarify him "snitching"<------which i think is an overused word nowadayz along with "swagger"
high 5 to Tip for snitchin...once u have kids to raise/feed, that street cred shit is out the window
let me have a wife and kids and face YEARS...ill sing faster than Bizzy Bone
What would he be snitching on? Im looking at the guy to the left comparing Plaxico's situation, be real, The circumstances are different, and if you have a good enough lawyer to press circumstance over the actual criminal act, then youre in, rich white folks do this allll the time, their kids do this, Plus T.I. has put in effort in changing. Theres a white actor who killed a kid bcuz he was under the influence of narcotics he got community service, so becuz He's Black and from the streets he had to snitch???? Being a snitch is not a secret process.
One Plaxico is being prosecuted according to state law which has a state mandated minimum of at least a year. Now there are federally mandated minimums for most federal charges but the US attorney who prosecutes these cases is given extreme discretion on cases where an individual is able to offer something in return. Typically it includes snitching, but due to TI's ability to reach the masses all he would need is judicial approval from the presiding judge to allow for his deal to be put in place. So with that it is very possible and plausible he did not snitch
The official that made the statement yesterday clarified and stated that T.I. is serving more than just 2 months, but that in the federal system, you can get like 15% of the time knocked off your sentence (for good behavior), which amounts to about 2 months. Should be hitting the rest of the blogs shortly, but I saw it on nahright.
As for him snitching though. It's pretty crazy for anyone to talk as if they know exactly how and what his deal is, being that we don't have the paperwork, and i'm pretty sure most of us commenting on these blogs aren't lawyers.
What is clear is that if he does/did snitch, it will come to light, i.e. Alfamega. Until then, fall back with the "T.I. is a snitch" campaign...atleast that's my two cents on it...
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