Monday, October 5, 2009


Congratulations to my boys Shake and Meka...if you want to know why read the words below. And remember that these cats have a foundation via Los Angeles so applaud LA again.

When this site first started nearly two years ago (October 14, to be exact), Shake and I had no idea what exactly would happen. Well we’re all pretty aware of what did, and thanks to it, the good folks at PNC Radio have – to use a quote from my “Slap-Boxing With Jesus” days – a piece of bandwidth every week, or a radio show for all you not-so-quick-on-the-draw ones.

(2)Dope Radio is set to go live this Wednesday (October 7th), with myself (for the time being until Shake pops up East again [hint hint]) hosting and spinning everything I can cram into two commercial-free hours. Interviews? Sure. Exclusives? Why not. A platform for us to talk wild shit? Does a bear take a shit in the woods and wipe his ass with a fluffy white rabbit? From the time the site grew legs myself and Shake wanted to expand on this Internets shit, and what better way to do so than with our own Internets radio show?

(2)Dope Radio kicks off Wednesday (and possibly Thursday) nights from 10p-12a EST (7p-9p Pacific) on PNC Radio ( We hope you all tune in and enjoy.